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Molekularno genetski biooznačevalci in mehanizmi neodzivnosti na biološko zdravljenje z anti-TNF bolnikov s kroničnimi imunskimi boleznimi

Molecular genetic biomarkers and mechanisms of unresponsiveness to biological therapy anti-TNF in patients with chronic immune diseases

(ARRS: J3-9258)

Project summary


Molecular genetic biomarkers and mechanisms of unresponsiveness to biological therapy anti-TNF in patients with chronic immune diseases

Principal Investigator:

prof. dr. Uroš Potočnik (Medical Faculty, University of Maribor)

Associated from Medical Faculty, University of Maribor:

prof. dr. Ivan Krajnc, full prof. dr. Dušanka Mičetić Turk, prof. dr. Nataša Marčun Varda, prof. dr. Andraž Stožer, prof. dr. Uroš Maver, doc. dr. Katja Repnik, doc. dr. Mario Gorenjak, dr. Boris Gole, Gregor Jezernik, Larisa Goričan, Lidija Gradišnik



Iz vsebine

Short summary:

We will investigate the molecular mechanisms that contribute to the unresponsiveness of patients with chronic immune diseases such as Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis to anti-TNF therapy and identify molecular genetic biomarkers that could predict response to anti-TNF therapy and be used for personalized treatment.

Role of Medical Faculty, University of Maribor:

Integration of genetic (NGS, genotyping), expression (RNAseq), proteomic, epigenetic (DNA and histone modification) and regulatory (non-coding RNA profiles, splicing variants) data with bioinformatics tools (genetic ontology - GO) and connection with clinical data.


The project has been successfully completed! The set goals were fully achieved.


Articles published in journals with SCI impact factor:

GORENJAK, Mario, ZUPIN, Mateja, JEZERNIK, Gregor, SKOK, Pavel, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Omics data integration identifies ELOVL7 and MMD gene regions as novel loci for adalimumab response in patients with Crohnʼs disease. Scientific reports, ISSN 2045-2322, 2021, vol. 11, str. 1-12, ilustr.,, doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-84909-z. [COBISS.SI-ID 54882051],

JEZERNIK, Gregor, MIČETIĆ-TURK, Dušanka, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Molecular Genetic Architecture of Monogenic Pediatric IBD Differs from Complex Pediatric and Adult IBD. Journal of personalized medicine, ISSN 2075-4426, 2020, vol. 10, iss. 4, str. 1-18, ilustr., doi: 10.3390/jpm10040243. [COBISS.SI-ID 39713283]

GOLE, Boris, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Pre-treatment biomarkers of anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy response in Crohn's disease : a systematic review and gene ontology analysis. Cells, ISSN 2073-4409, June 2019, vol. 8, iss. 6, str. 1-21., doi: 10.3390/cells8060515. [COBISS.SI-ID 512899384],

AVBELJ, Monika, HAFNER BRATKOVIČ, Iva, LAINŠČEK, Duško, MANČEK KEBER, Mateja, PETERNELJ, Tina Tinkara, PANTER, Gabriela, TREON, Steven P., GOLE, Boris, POTOČNIK, Uroš, JERALA, Roman. Cleavage-mediated regulation of Myd88 signaling by inflammasome-activated caspase-1. Frontiers in immunology, ISSN 1664-3224, Jan. 2022, vol. 12, str. 1-14, ilustr.,, doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.790258. [COBISS.SI-ID 93261315],

GORENJAK, Mario, REPNIK, Katja, JEZERNIK, Gregor, JURGEC, Staša, SKOK, Pavel, POTOČNIK, Uroš. Genetic prediction profile for adalimumab response in Slovenian Crohn's disease patients = Genetisches Vorhersageprofil für die Adalimumab-Antwort bei den slowenischen Morbus-Crohn-Patienten. Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie, ISSN 0044-2771, Okt. 2019, jahrg. 57, hft. 10, str. 1218-1225, ilustr., doi: 10.1055/a-0981-6516. [COBISS.SI-ID 6817599],

Doctoral thesis:

JEZERNIK, Gregor. Biološki procesi in napovedovanje neodzivnosti na zaviralce dejavnika tumorske nekroze pri Crohnovi bolezni z integracijo genomskih podatkov : doktorska disertacija. [S. l.: G. Jezernik], 2021. X, 104 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 47827971]

J3-9258 graphical summary

Figure: Graphical summary of the project.