Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor


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Full Prof. Iztok Takač, MD, PhD

Vice-dean for educational activities
Full Prof. Radovan Hojs, MD, PhD

Acting vice-dean for research activities
Assoc Prof. Samo Karel Fokter, MD, PhD

Vice-dean for international cooperation
Full Prof. Faris Mujezinović, MD, PhD

Vice-dean for postgraduate studies
Full Prof. Pavel Skok, MD, PhD

Acting vice-dean of the Pharmacy programme
Assoc. Prof. Uroš Maver, PhD

Vice-dean for student affairs
Enej Vidovič

Head of economic and general affairs department
Vesna Krajnc

Head of legal and personnel affairs department
Jelka Rakun, MSc

Head of student affairs and the international cooperation department
Milena Orož Črešnar, MSc