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Genetic applications technologies in clinical practice

Biotechnology and bioengineering

3D (bio)printing

Bioinformatics in biostatistics

Refresher course from biological safety

Basics workshop biological safety

Methods in molecular biology; Basics of molecular biology

The use of proteins in biotechnology and biomedicine

Methods in molecular biology; Real-time PCR

Methods in molecular biology; Genome variability and epigenetics

Delavnica »Usage cell lines and models in medicine, biotechnology and pharmacy 1«

Workshop "Usage cell lines and models in biomedicine, biotechnology and biopharmaceutics 2"

Digitization biobanks

Digital first aid

Workshop "Close biological safety systems and work with genetically modified organisms"

In vitro models tissues and diseases

Selected topics from human physiology

Sequencing next generation (NGS); library preparation: practical techniques and useful tips

Preclinical development medicines

Sports and environmental physiology