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vabimo vas k prijavi na Erasmus+ Kombiniran intenzivni program (KIP/BIP) s področja dentalne medicine, ki bo potekal med 22. in 26. julijem 2024 v Istanbulu in predhodno preko spleta.

Program v organizaciji univerz Istanbul Kent University in Apollonia University of Iassi bo potekal v angleškem jeziku in je brezplačen. Prijavijo se lahko le študentje 3. letnika Dentalne medicine.

V priponki najdete letak z več informacijami.


Lep pozdrav,

Referat MF UM

Download this file (Dental studies- BIP.pdf)Dental studies- BIP.pdf[ ]357 kB


vabljeni k prijavi na BIP Geriatrics Intensive Course v Portu, Portugalska.

 referat MF


We would like to invite your students to participate in the 2nd edition of the Geriatrics Intensive Course, a Blended Intensive Program organized by our Faculty of Medicine. This BIP is being organized in collaboration with the Partner Institutions Semmelweis University (Hungary) and the University of Salamanca (Spain). Another collaborating institution is Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary).

The course is taught in English and will run for six weeks in June and July 2024: 3,5 weeks of online seminars, 1,5 weeks of online mentoring, and one face-to-face week at the U.Porto Faculty of Medicine, from 15 till 19 of July 2024. It will award the participating students with 4,5 ECTS.

Applications must be submitted between the 1st and 30th of April by filling out an online form. Please find all the information regarding the application procedures here.

In attachment, you may find:

  1. Digital Flyer of the BIP
  2. Full Schedule/Program
  3. Information regarding funding, accommodation, meals, etc.