Faculty of Medicine University of Maribor


Povezava na Facebook stran Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru


Dear medical students,

It is a great honor to invite you to the 30th Scientific Congress of Medical Students in Greece (ESFIE) & the 18th International Forum of Medical Students and Junior Doctors (IFMSJD), a milestone annual event for health science students.

This year, the congress will take place from May 24th to 26th, 2024, at the Cultural Center of Heraklion, Crete. It will host Scientific Round Tables for students and doctors from all specialties, as well as numerous workshops where students can enhance their practical skills in contemporary medical issues.

Determined to reach and exceed the high standards that we set each time, this year's Forum aims to connect and inspire medical students from all around the world, offering various educational stimuli and creating all the necessary conditions for effective interaction and enriching discussion.

The delegates will have the opportunity to attend state-of-the-art debates from distinguished speakers, world-renowned professors, and multidisciplinary student teams who will present their views on current scientific topics with global impact, mind-broadening Debates on hot topics and current dilemmas, cutting-edge live broadcasted surgeries, as well as present their own academic and research work through oral presentations and e-posters.

You'll have the chance to participate in innovative workshops, adventurous gaming contests, the 28th Medical Olympiad, and meetings with outstanding experts!

You will find attached our website and registration form:



We are looking forward to welcoming you in Heraklion, Crete, a historical and beautiful Greek island of culture and science, and we guarantee that it will be an exceptional experience to remember for years ahead!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 18th International Forum for Medical Students and Junior Doctors.


-- Stella Melina Vasilaki International and Public Relations DepartmentErasmus+ Programme | School of MedicineUniversity of Crete tel. +30 2810 394010email: erasmusmed@uoc.gr

Vabilo na zagovor doktorske disertacije Vesne Borovnik Lesjak, dr. med.


Univerza v Mariboru, Medicinska fakulteta objavlja zagovor doktorske disertacije z naslovom

»Učenje temeljnih postopkov oživljanja z uporabo avtomatskega zunanjega defibrilatorja ter odnos do oživljanja pri osnovnošolcih«.

Disertacijo bo zagovarjala Vesna Borovnik Lesjak, dr. med., v sredo, 31. januarja 2024, ob 14.00 uri v predavalnici 2N2 na Medicinski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru.

Doktorska disertacija je na vpogled v dekanatu fakultete, Taborska 8, Maribor. Vpogled možen po predhodni najavi na elektronski naslov: referat.mf@um.si , najkasneje do zagovora.


Referat MF UM